Proposal 40: Replace "shall" by "must" in the track chapter [ Revision 2 ]

Committee: Track
Submitted on 2023-10-02
Status: Passed on October 25, 2023


In another discussion it turned out that "shall" was traditionally used in formal texts, but here a rethinking is taking place and "must" is rather used in formal texts ( Even if other rules, such as the athletics rules, use "shall", we should use "must" here, following the information of the link.

Therefore this proposal is a general proposal about replacing "shall" by "must" for the track part without explicitly mentioning all the occurrences of "shall". Especially because most of the occurrences of "shall" are in the proposals we voted on in this round of the Rulebook Committe.


Replacement of all occurrence of "shall" by "must" in part 2 of the IUF Rulebook (the track chapter).


The Track Committee, by approving this proposal, is simultaneously recommending to the Main Committee a corresponding harmonization throughout the entire IUF Rulebook and therefore a replacement of all occurrence of "shall" by "must" outside of chapter 2.


Further information can be found in the corresponding discussion 94



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Change Log:

Revision 2 changed by Jan Vocke (10 Oct 10:02)

Added a recommendation to the Main Committee for consistency of wording throughout the entire Rulebook.

Revision 1 changed by Jan Vocke (02 Oct 07:27)

Votes on this proposal:

3 out of 5 voting members have voted.

Agree: 3, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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