Adding another judge - 2C.1.X Lane judges

This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

Comments about this discussion:


For all track races additional judges are needed, which are currently not mentioned/foreseen in the rulebook, namely the lane judges.
In all lane-bound races for example it must be supervised that the riders stay in their lane. For the relay, it must be additionally supervised that the takeover takes place within the takeover zone. For the one-foot race, it must also be monitored that all riders take their foot off the pedal in time. For these tasks the lane judges are used, but they are not mentioned in chapter 2C so far. I would therefore propose to add the track judges and their tasks.

Proposal for the new rule:

2C.1.X Lane judges

1. Lane judges observe the adherence to the corresponding competition rules during the races. Sufficient number of lane judges are to be appointed according to the discipline to guarantee a complete supervision of the adherence to all rules on all lanes.
2. Lane judges observe at lane-bound races in particular that no rider leaves his lane and at non-lane-bound races that the riders respect the rules for overtaking and the minimum distances.
3. Lane judges observe in the one-foot race whether the riders take a foot off a pedal in time at the 5 m line. A lane judge should supervise a maximum of two lanes without technical aids.
4. Lane judges observe during the relay that the takeover of the baton is carried out according to the rules.


I agree to this addition. 
The new section would be 2C.1.5 (unless we would want to add another new section before it).


I just saw that in the other rules for the judges and officials, the singular is always used, so I would keep that here as well and adjust the rule accordingly.


Proposal for the new rule:

2C.1.5 Lane Judge

1. The Lane Judge observes the adherence to the corresponding competition rules during the race. Sufficient number of Lane Judges are to be appointed according to the discipline to guarantee a complete supervision of the adherence to all rules on all lanes.
2. The Lane Judge observes at lane-bound races in particular that no rider leaves his lane and at non-lane-bound races that the riders respect the rules for overtaking and the minimum distances.
3. The Lane Judge observes in the one-foot race whether the riders take a foot off a pedal in time at the 5 m line. A Lane Judge should supervise a maximum of two lanes without technical aids.
4. The Lane Judge observes during the relay that the takeover of the baton is carried out according to the rules.


Sounds like a good addition of detail that's needed for the big events. For the Relay, to abide by this rule with 8 lanes of racing, you would need 16 judges to cover all the exchange zones. That sounds like a lot, but I don't know that a lesser amount of judges could do a good job if racers are coming into their exchange zones at the same time. The certainly can't run across the track to the opposite side, etc.  :-)

I recall doing a very poorly executed baton change at one of the single-digit Unicons, with another member of this committee. Anyone could have seen that one, from anywhere on the track. And it was my fault; I took off too quickly, had to slow down, and ended up dropping the baton. There are pictures out there somewhere...  :-P



Currently, the rule is formulated in such a way that there is a great degree of freedom with regard to appointed judges. Do you think we should be more specific here and give numbers? I think it's very difficult, because you need very different numbers of judges for the individual disciplines. For the relay at the Unicon in France, for example, I had planned to have 24 judges. For a wheel-walk race, of course, you need much less, I think I had planned only two in France.


I think the rulebook could leave the specific number of judges to the organiser / race director. Mostly because of the different requirements per discipline, and also to allow a trade-off between number of available volunteers to judge versus their experience level. But we could include an "umbrella" statement that there must be a sufficient number of judges for each discipline to ensure adequate checking of adherance to the rules for that discipline.


I had already tried to include such an "umbrella" statement in paragraph 1. ([...] Sufficient number of Lane Judges are to be appointed according to the discipline to guarantee a complete supervision of the adherence to all rules on all lanes.). The question is whether this is sufficient for us or whether we have to become more specific here (which in my opinion will be very difficult and complex for the reasons described)/have to rephrase the sentence.


That umbrella statement is OK for me. I don't think we should be more specific, for the reasons mentioned in my previous post.


Is that suitable for the rest of the committee as well? Then I would prepare the official proposal.


Just a side remark: in your proposals under "Body" you refer to the corresponding discussion, but those links don't work. A few lines lower under "Discussion" is a pre-built link to the Discussion, which does work. I'd suggest to refer to the discussion under "Body" without making it a link, or otherwise to make it a properly working link.

Other than this side remark, I agree with the proposal.


The review time of the proposal is over and since there were no further comments or suggestions for improvement, I assume that all committee members agree with the proposal.

I will now open the voting and hope that all voting members of the committee will also participate in the voting.

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