Rename 2B.7.4 Lane Use (Closed for comments)

Comments about this discussion:


The current rule 2B.7.4 refers only to lane-bound races. To make this clear, I believe the rule should be renamed 2B.7.4 Rules for lane-bound races.
It would also make sense to be explicitly stated in the individual disciplines when the rules for lane-bound races are applied.

In addition, I would suggest that the rule be editorially revised/restructured so that the individual aspects of the rule are in individual paragraphs. Maybe there are further aspects which could be assigned to this rule - but I would open a separate discussion for this.

Proposal for the new rule:

2B.7.4 Rules for lane-bound races

1. In lane-bound races, a rider must stay in his or her own lane, except when the rider has to swerve to avoid being involved in a crash. In all other cases, a rider who goes outside their lane is disqualified. Going outside a track lane means that the tire of the unicycle touches the ground outside his assigned lane. Riding on the marking is allowed.
2. No physical contact between riders is allowed.


I have no problem with this change.


I agree with most, except for automatic disqualification for "minor" lane violations. In my experience as a Referee I have been flexible in this area. If a rider crosses the line briefly, and not in a way that interferes with neighboring riders, I have usually let it slide. On the straights. On the curves, judging has to be much more strict, because lane violations to the inside make for a shorter distance ridden. Any extended time over the line on the inside of a turn should disqualify a racer, at least among fast racers. In slower groups I have been less strict. The important thing is to make sure no rider creates an advantage over others, either by interfering with other riders, or by shortening their route.

Sorry, that is not well presented in rule-writing language. First people have to agree with the idea...


I completely agree with you that we are currently a bit strict in our rules regarding leaving the lane (athletics is more lenient and that should mean something) and I am basically with you that we could adjust something here. As in the discussion about renaming rule "2B.7.5 Passing in Non-Lane Races", I would like to split the discussion so that the individual aspects can be voted on separately in the end. Is that okay for you?


I think the strictness of lane keeping has increased in the Rulebook a few years ago. Before that, it was indeed less strict, perhaps similar to athletics. I could look it up in older Rulebook versions (but won't do it right now, actually I am on holiday and typing away on a Norweging camping :-) )

I agree with John's conceptual text.


Since Proposal 7 has passed, the discussion here is no longer relevant and I will close it.

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