
This discussion has an associated proposal but it has not been approved yet.

Comments about this discussion:


In several rules, we have a distance of 1m from the wall/goal where a free shot is taken. In my opinion, this distance is too small such that the player executing the free short can move around freely and position himself towards the ball as he likes.

I suggest increasing this distance to 2m.


I 100% agree with this. 1m is too short of a distance to make it fair for both left and right handers.


Works for me. This would cover where the corner marks are placed and where free shots after shooting the ball out are taken right? Are there other rules using the 1m from the wall?


There are often players who struggle with the ball lying to short to the wall at a free shot.

Increasing this distance to 2 metres would help those players and reduce the different amount of distances, since opposing players also have to keep a distance of 2 metres to a free shot.

The other rule using a 1 meter distance is in 14B.9.1 Free Shot - the "goalkeeper's ball", which is executed 1 meter in front of the goal line. the only obstruction there is the goal itself especially the goal posts.

Another distance is given in 14B.9.2 6.5 M - where the goalkeeper has to sit "within 0.5 m of the goal line". Since there is no ball involved, that distance should be kept untouched. 


Then there is this prominent distance of 6.5m, why is that actually 6.5m and not 6 meters or 7 meters?

Unpopular opinion: We are riding round unicycles, which circumferences are measured in Pi. Why shouldn't we give als measurements in multiples of Pi, we are freaks anyway? ;-)

Penalty distance: 2 Pi = 6,28m

Free shot distance from wall / distance of opponents at free shot: 2/3 Pi = 2,09m

Maximum distance of goalkeeper from the goal at penalty: 1/5 Pi = 0.62m

Goal distance from ground line: 4/5 Pi = 2,51 m

Playing field dimensions: 11 Pi - 14 Pi x  6,5 Pi - 8 Pi = 34,56m-43,98m x 20,42m - 25,13m


Ciao Ole


As we all seem to agree on this change I created a proposal. I hope I included all instances where "1m" or "1.0m" as a distance of any kind of free shot occurs in the current rules.


The proposal hasn't come up for me. Perhaps we will have a look at this on Friday. I could try to create the proposal also?


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